Weekly meet ups online to nurture and activate your spirit to unearth the power of your spiritual gifts uncovered in your Spiritual Gifts Reading.
You will receive a 1 hour session to steer you in the right direction as to what you should be working on and the steps to take in your spiritual journey.
These sessions will look different depending upon your needs. For one hour we will conduct one of the following: light language activation, guided meditation, channeling and/or tarot reading guidance to remove any blockages keeping you from beginning the journey to unleashing and mastering your spiritual gifts. Or, we will do practices that give you direct guidance on how to use your spiritual gifts as well as resources to help further your journey to mastery.
You'll receive an email after every session with the video recording and a detailed session report. (Please allow up to 24 hours for the video to upload and the report to be created).
Services will be picked intuitively with the assistance of your high level spirit guides and your higher self after the first onboarding call.
You must have received your Spiritual Gifts Reading found HERE to participate.